Mini Face Lift


What Is A Mini Face Lift?

A mini face lift is a surgical procedure done under partial sedation. Local anaesthetic is also used to numb the skin and deep tissues.

This lift allows gradual changes which can be spread over time without the obvious drastic effects of a “full” facelift. This course of action fits in with the natural ageing process and allows corrections at appropriate times. It is a case of “maintenance rather than rescue”.

The incision line is placed in front of the ear and extends behind the earlobe. The length and pattern of the incision depends on the patient’s needs. The incision lines will be concealed within the fold where possible. A detailed discussion will be undertaken between patient and Dr Ali Araghi.

Why have a mini face lift?

During the course of ageing, the face appearance changes and this area, more than any other area of the body determines how the outside world sees us. We cannot avoid ageing, however, the mini face lift can recapture some of what we have lost over time, whether it be the signs of everyday stress, sun damage, gravity or just feeling our age.

If you are opting for a mini face lift, exceptional results can be achieved with modern less invasive treatment.  Generally the result our patients require is an all round younger appearance.

Not all patients are suited for a Mini Face Lift. Dr Araghi will assess your anatomy, your skin, your goals and your concerns during a thorough consultation wherein the procedure and a customised treatment plan will be discussed in detail with you.

It is inevitable, our skin undergoes changes, however, we can take action to hydrate, protect and stimulate.

Enjoy Having A Radiant Skin

The Mini Facelift procedure allows you LESS Downtime LESS Scarring LESS Bruising.

This minimal invasive face surgery (mini facelift) works to perform:

    • Smoothing out deep lines
    • Reducing facial fat and skin
    • Smoothing out wrinkles and folds
    • Improving sagging skin in the jowls
    • Reducing facial fat and skin
    • Improving sagging skin in the cheeks
    • Restores a more refreshing, toned and youthful appearance

Everything you need to know

This minimal invasive face surgery (mini face lift) works to perform:

  • Smoothing out deep lines
  • Smoothing out wrinkles and folds
  • Improving sagging skin in the jowls
  • Reducing facial fat and skin
  • Improving sagging skin in the cheeks
  • Restores a more refreshing, toned and youthful appearance

Dr Ali Araghi will mark the predetermined incision lines which normally start in in front of the ear extending behind the ear lobe. Wherever possible, the lines will be concealed within the fold.

Depending on individual requirements, this procedure will normally be performed in approximately 2 hours.

  • The procedure is less invasive compared to a full face lift
  • The results can last between 2 and 5 years. Patients do still age after a face lift and it is therefore impossible to predict how long it may be before a second lift is necessary.

After a thorough consultation, Dr Araghi will be able to access if you are a good candidate for this procedure. Not all patients are suitable to undergo a mini face lift and all aspects of the procedure and your requirements and goals will be discussed in detail during your consultation.

Dr Araghi will be able to determine the most suitable procedure or treatment that will give you the best outcome.

  • Back to work in 7 to 10 days
  • Light activity permitted within 72 hours
  • Bruising lasts between 1 and 2 weeks
  • Limited exposure to the sun for several months

Expect some bruising and swelling which will subside within a few weeks. Sutures are normally removed approximately 1 week after surgery.

Dr Araghi will prescribe any medication necessary if discomfort occurs. Tightness and numbness is often encountered and should gradually disappear within several weeks.

Nerve injury to facial muscles or feeling. This is normally a temporary situation. Infection, bleeding, excessive scarring and poor healing. Asymmetry or change in hairline.

During the initial consultation, Dr Araghi will discuss all the benefits and risks with you.

All surgery has risks. The side effects of a mini face lift include temporary bruising, swelling, numbness and tenderness of the skin.

We are the Sunshine Coast’s leading experts in all areas of functional & integrative wellness and cosmetics.